
We have been producing pop-up cards for more than 20 years.

Looking back, it all happened so fast.

I have produced many works of art.

From now on, I would like to introduce some of them

I would like to introduce some of them in a leisurely manner.

The first blog entry is...



In the downtown area, people still decorate their entrance with seasonal flowers

In the downtown area, you can still see houses with seasonal flowers decorating the front door to remind us of the four seasons.

The Japanese sensibility of "keeping cool with the eyes" is one of the things we should cherish for a long time.

It is one of the things we want to cherish forever.

What is important to me when I make a text for a wake-up call?

What is important to me when I make a transcript is to define what I want to show the most.

The rest of the text should be designed to complement it.

I leave out the unnecessary things so that the rest of the text complements it.

I value the beauty of harmony and the importance of pauses.


In the downtown area,

In the downtown area, you can still see houses with seasonal flowers on the front door.

More than drinking cold water and chilly temperatures,

More than drinking cold water and chilly temperatures, the sound of the river flowing and the seasonal flowers give a sense of coolness.

This is a sensibility that the Japanese cherish.

When making pop-up cards

The key is to decide what you want to show most.

To make it stand out, omit unnecessary things around it.

To make it stand out, omit unnecessary things around it.

When making pop-up cards The key is to decide what you want to show most.

Rather than embellishing and explaining a lot.

This is a Japanese aesthetic.

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